Su madera es muy estimada en algunos lugares para el tallado y los muebles.
El nombre común, “monkey pod” o vaina de mono, se usa como el nombre común en inglés debido a su derivación lógica del sinónimo científico del género, Pithecellobium (que significa arete de mono en griego). También se le llama Samán.
Las vainas contienen una pulpa comestible dulce que provee de un alimento nutritivo a los animales. Pueden ser una fuente importante de alimento para las bestias rumiantes durante la temporada de frutas en las pastizales. Los niños también mastican las vainas, las cuales tienen un sabor anisado.
A pesar de que el árbol es comúnmente usado como un árbol de sombra, es indeseable para este propósito debido a las flores pegajosas, la goma y las vainas que caen de él durante gran parte del año.
La madera del samán ha sido reportada como dura y pesada y difícil de trabajar pero se usa mucho para labrarse y no es tóxica puesto que también se hacen platos y vasos con ésta.............................
Its wood is highly valued in some places for carving and furniture.
The common name, "monkey pod or mono pod, is used as the common English name because of its scientific synonymous logical derivation of the genre, Pithecellobium (which means monkey earring in Greek). Also called Saman.
The pods contain a sweet edible pulp that provides nutritious food for animals.Can be an important food source for ruminant animals during the fruit season in the grasslands. Children also chew the pods, which have an anise flavor.Although the tree is commonly used as a shade tree, it is undesirable for this purpose because of the sticky flowers, gum, and pods that fall from him for much of the year.The rain tree wood has been reported as hard and heavy and difficult to work but is widely used to carve and is not toxic since it also makes plates and glasses with it.
The common name, "monkey pod or mono pod, is used as the common English name because of its scientific synonymous logical derivation of the genre, Pithecellobium (which means monkey earring in Greek). Also called Saman.
The pods contain a sweet edible pulp that provides nutritious food for animals.Can be an important food source for ruminant animals during the fruit season in the grasslands. Children also chew the pods, which have an anise flavor.Although the tree is commonly used as a shade tree, it is undesirable for this purpose because of the sticky flowers, gum, and pods that fall from him for much of the year.The rain tree wood has been reported as hard and heavy and difficult to work but is widely used to carve and is not toxic since it also makes plates and glasses with it.